SURFACE XC: Die neue Generation für feinste Oberflächen
Freitag, 13 September 2019
von bzz
Die neue Generation für feinste Oberflächen: Sehr weich und flexible, feinste Oberflächen, hohe Abtragsleistung – lange Lebensdauer! Eine einmalige und außergewöhnliche Entwicklung für dreidimensionale Schleifmittel. Das neue einzigartige BIBIELLE – XC Surface Conditioning. Einzigartig in der Kombination zwischen Flexibilität, bestes Finishing, hoher Abtrag und langer Lebensdauer.. SCXC – Das beste Leistungsspektrum in der Welt moderner
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Bibielle and the abrasive world
Dienstag, 08 November 2016
von admin
Bibielle is an independent and private owned company that has done its best over the years to have projects that focus in giving customers innovative quality products together with a high standard of service in terms of technical and logistical assistance. Bibielle has always pursued the goal of giving its’ partners a reliable person of
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Continuous abrasive technology updating
Dienstag, 08 November 2016
von admin
Bibielle has always wanted to continuously update and revise production processes through the introduction of modern and sophisticated machinery, guaranteeing constant improvement and growth. We believe that what most users seek on an industrial scale is the constancy in performance of our products. Also, during this year, 2016, Bibielle has been investing in the latest
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Product customization
Dienstag, 08 November 2016
von admin
Assuming that each application, as concerning the use of abrasive products, is different, Bibielle has over the years developed a belief that it is not always satisfactory to approach the market with pre-defined items. This conviction has been followed in several achieved projects that have brought to the realization of specific products to meet and
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Laboratory tests
Dienstag, 08 November 2016
von admin
Bibielle has facilities and equipments for testing products. In order to ensure and maintain high performance and constant efficiency of items, all our products are constantly monitored during production.
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