Cookie Policy
Information on processing personal data in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016
Web Data and Cookie
The computer systems and the software procedures adopted for the functioning of this website may gather, during their ordinary course, a few personal data whose transmission is implied in the use of protocols of the Internet communication. Such data are not gathered to be associated to identified persons, but they may, by nature, be used to identify users by means of elaboration and combination with data held by third parties. In this category of data are included the IP addresses or the names used by the users for connecting to the website, the URI addresses (Uniform Resources Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to bring the request to the server, the dimension of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the answer given by the server (successful operation, errors, etc.) and other parameters related to the operational system and to the computer environment of the user. These data are used with the sole aim of gathering statistic and anonymous information upon the use of the site and of controlling its correct functioning; they are deleted immediately after being elaborated. The data may be used for ascertaining the liability in case of cybercrime against the web site.
Types of Cookies
The cookies are information placed on the browser of the user when he visits the website or accesses to a social network by using his computer, smartphone or tablet. Every cookie contains diverse data such as the name of the server which is being used by the user, a numeric identification, etc. The cookies may remain in the system for the duration of the session, i.e. until the user closes the browser used for the navigation on the website, or for longer periods and they may contain a unique numeric codex.
The use of the technical cookies is a process carried out within the Controller’s legitimated interest; the use of analytical cookies is performed only with the consent of the person concerned. Furthermore, the person concerned may refuse to confer to the Controller his internet data and so he shall disable the cookies by following the instructions provided by the browser in use. The disablement of the cookies may worsen the browsing and the use of the website.
Technical Cookies
Some cookies are used with the aim of executing the computer authentications, monitoring of sessions and memorization of specific information upon the users who access to the web page. These cookies named „technical“ are often useful because they can accelerate the browsing and the use of the website: for example they facilitate some procedures related to the online purchases in case of automatic authentication for the accessing to website or automatic language setup.
A particular type of cookies, named „analytical“, is used by the website operators with the aim of gathering information, in aggregated form, upon the number of users and how these users visit the website, and so they help the website operators to compiling general statistics upon the website’s service and its use.
Profiling Cookies
Other cookies can instead be used to monitor and profile the users during the browsing, or to study their movements and habits on web consultation or on consumption (what users buy, read, etc.), and also to send advertisement of target and customized services (c.d. Behavioural adversiting). In this case, these are called „profiling“ cookies. It may occur that a website contains in some part of its web page, i.e. advertising banner, images, videos, etc., cookies deriving from other web sites. In this case, these are „third party“ cookies which are usually used to profile usres. Given the particular invasiveness that the „profiling“ cookies (especially the „third party“ cookies) may have in relation to the users‘ private sphere, European and Italian provisions establish that the users shall be adequately informed upon the use of the cookies and he shall express his valid consent to the integration of the cookies in his terminal.
Uses Cookies
Cookie management
Technical cookies
Activities strictly necessary for operation
These cookies are technical and allow the site to work properly. For example, they are used to keep you connected during navigation to prevent needing to log on again to open another page.
Preference saving activities
These cookie are used to save the preferences you select during navigation, e.g. to set the language.
Statistic and audience measuring activities
These cookies help to understand, by means of data gathered in anonymous, aggregated manner, how users interact with our websites by providing information on the visited sections, the time elapsed on the website and possible malfunctions. This information helps us improve the quality of our websites.
Third-party cookies
We use various suppliers, who in turn may install cookies for the correct operation of the services we are providing. Please click on the links provided in the following table for more information on third-party cookies and how to deactivate them.
Furthermore, the page provides information on behavioural advertising and on how to deactivate or activate the listed companies which work with website managers for collecting and using information useful for accessing advertising.
Cookies needed to provide the service
These cookie allow us to active the following service components. The list of services used and the links to the respective cookie policy pages are shown below.
Company Service Type More information
Google Virtual Tour: componente web
Strictly necessary technical cookie (cookie name: khcookie)
Third-part statistic and audience measuring cookies
These cookie (third-party web services) provide information in anonymous/aggregated form on how visitors navigate the website. Links to the respective cookie policy pages are provided below.
Company Service Type More information
Google Google Analytics: statistics system analytical cookies
Adobe SiteCatalyst: statistics system analytical cookies
Google adwords campaings conversion counter conversion cookies
Advertising and remarketing proliferation cookies
These cookie (third-party advertising services) are used to send advertising and customised contents according to the website navigation chronology. Proliferation cookie use can be deactivated by means of the following link.
Company Service Type More information
Google/Doubleclick Google Adword:advertising service advertising cookies
AppNexus Adv campaigns advertising cookies
Facebook Customer Audience, Adv Campaigns advertising cookies
Important: deactivating proliferation cookies does not means that you will not receive advertising when navigating on the website but only that the advertising you will see will not be selected according to your interests and thus could be less relevant to you.
Social media sharing cookies
These third-party cookies are used to integrate some common functions on the major social media networks and to provide them on the website. In particular, they allow to register on the website using Facebook and Google Connect, to share and show comments on the website pages on the social network, enabling the „Like“ function on Facebook and of „+1“ on G+.
The social media sharing cookie use can be deactivated by means of the following link.
Company Type More information
Facebook social media
G+ social media
Twitter social media
Linkedin social media
Pinterest social media
The data controller is BIBIELLE S.P.A. address Via Cuneo, 35 – 12040 Margarita (CN).
You may exercise the rights of art. 7 of Personal Data Protection Code, such as accessing information concerning yourself or request updating, rectification, integration, erasure, anonymisation or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully. You may oppose to the processing of your data totally or in part.
To exercise the aforesaid rights, you may contact the Data Controller at BIBIELLE S.P.A. by calling 0171 793800, by writing to BIBIELLE S.P.A. address Via Cuneo, 35 – 12040 Margarita (CN) or by sending an email to