Диски для снятия заусенцев и Абразивные диски для резки
Представлено 4 товара
диски для резки металла
Bibielle’s cutting and grinding discs are suitable for applications on different types of material and for use on various machine tools. These discs offer high performances in terms of durability and speed of use combined with high aggressiveness and strength of the product itself.
тонкие диски для резки нержавеющей стали
Тонкие диски для резки нержавеющей стали. Зерно A36N. Плоская форма типа 41.
Bibielle’s cutting and grinding discs are suitable for applications on different types of material and for use on various machine tools. These discs offer high performances in terms of durability and speed of use combined with high aggressiveness and strength of the product itself.
диски для снятия заусенцев для металла
Зерно A24N. Форма с заниженным центром типа 27.
Bibielle’s cutting and grinding discs are suitable for applications on different types of material and for use on various machine tools. These discs offer high performances in terms of durability and speed of use combined with high aggressiveness and strength of the product itself.
диски для снятия заусенец для нержавеющей стали
Зерно A30P. Форма с заниженным центром типа 27.
Bibielle’s cutting and grinding discs are suitable for applications on different types of material and for use on various machine tools. These discs offer high performances in terms of durability and speed of use combined with high aggressiveness and strength of the product itself.