CERAMIC coated fiber discs
Ceramic fiber disc with grain – crosscut hole.
CERAMIC coated fiber discs – crosscut hole
Bibielle’s fiber discs are made of abrasive grain combined to a layer of vulcanized fiber with a circular or cross centre hole.
The fiber discs guarantee high aggressiveness, maximum stiffness and mechanical strength. These discs are recommended for deburring, removal of welding seams, rust and mill scale.
SCHD Heavy Duty surface conditioning discs
SCHD Heavy Duty discs with hole to be fixed by means of metal rings or without hole for velcro locking. To be used with backing pads.
This material is designed to be very aggressive and long lasting.
Best choice in the field for heavy duty applications can save one or more steps in abrasive operation. Available in Coarse and Medium grit sizes.
Bibielle’s fiber discs are made of abrasive grain combined to a layer of vulcanized fiber with a circular or cross centre hole.
The fiber discs guarantee high aggressiveness, maximum stiffness and mechanical strength. These discs are recommended for deburring, removal of welding seams, rust and mill scale.